
I've just recovered from 2 days sick and now I'm laying in my bed
curious about this blog. I'm little confused with my new blog platform
whereas in my opinion blogger is the easiest blog platform before I
moved from wordpress self-hosting. I'm not a newbie on the net, I have
been growing up with internet since 2006 when I was in 1st junior high
school. Internet is the new thing at that time, and quite exciting,
not much to an adult but for a child this is able to destroy the
physicological mental if they used it wrong. I remember when I was
built a mobile site at the first time ever named cyrius which located
at cyrius.peperonity.com. then in the next 3 years I decided to build
a site, so I choosed self-hosting service nearest for my wordpress. I
took up the blog competition with my site and definitely I'm the
winner. Coz I thought My self-hosted wordpress was the best of all
competitor. I installed so many plugins there, sadly the page load was
slow and the traffic's decrease.
Time pass by I had no money to pay the hosting. My site's no longer
exist as it down forever...
So you had already know why I choosed blogger.

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